Friday, May 31, 2019
Deletion Essay -- Biology, DNA
Deletion is a mutation in which a part of the chromosome or the DNA is absent or lost. It may be inherent, or it may be due to improper chromosomal crossing-over during meiosis. This deletion is obligated for the abnormalities in the patient. One of the known disorders seen due to deletion is the animate being-Hirschhorn syndrome.Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS), first described by Wolf et al1 and Hirschhorn et al2, results from the hemizygous deletion of the distal short arm of chromosome 4. Due to the complex and unmarked expression of this disorder, the WHS syndrome is presumed to be a contiguous gene syndrome with an indeterminate number of genes responsible for the phenotype i.e. a multigenic etiology. 34 The size of the terminal deletion may vary from a subtle 1.4Mb to a classic 30Mb 5. Earlier genotype-phenotype correlation studies reveal that the main property feature of WHS - the Greek warrior helmet face, is caused due to the hemizygosity of the WHSC1 gene located in the WHS critical region (WHSCR).5 Various other genes are also located in the WHSCR which are responsible for most other phenotypic features. More precisely, the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome critical region (WHSCR) is located at 4p16.3 region. Approximately 25% of the patients with WHS deletion in this region are not detectable by cytogenetic karyotyping 6. Hence, FISH has to be performed. The prevalence of this syndrome is estimated to be 1 in 50,000 births 7 with a female to male proportion of 218.Case reportA baby was born with low birth weight of 1.8 kg to a 36 yr old come and 32 yr old mother. The proposita is the 6th girl child of the non-consanguineous parents. As can be seen from the pedigree chart shown in figure 2, the mothe... ...infant with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome a plight in determination of the optimal timing of delivery. Clinical Medicine Case reports. 8.Society for the Study of Behavioral Phenotypes (SSBP) Information sheet Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Registered Charity n umber 1013849.9.Altherr, M.R., Bengtsson, U., Elder, F. F. B., Ledbetter, D. H., Wasmuth, J. J., McDonald, M.E., Gusella, J. F., Greenberg, F. molecular confirmation of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome with a subtle translocation of chromosome 4. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 49 1235-1242, 1991. PubMed 174655310.Althea T. Impact of chromosome 4p-syndrome on communication and expressive language skills A preliminary investigation. Language, Speech and Hearing work in Schools. Vol 41 265-276 July 2010.11.Harold Chen. EMedicine Specialties Pediatrics Genetics and Metabolism Disease Genetics. Updated Jun 16, 2009.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Caridina japonica :: essays papers
Caridina japonicaCaridina japonica, die Amanogarnele Yamato-numa-ebi Swassergarnelen der Gattungen Atyopsis, Macrobrachium und Caridina erobern schon seit langer Zeit die Becken und Herzen derjenigen Aquarianer im Sturm, die so unvorsichtig waren, sich ernsthaft mit diesen faszinierenden Wirbellosen einzulassen. Dennochmu hug drug sie hinsichtlich einer breiteren Popularitt meist hinter der beflossten Konkurrenz ein unverdientes Nischendasein fristen, obwohl sie doch mit Eigenschaften aufwarten knnen, die besonders einige Vertreter zu fast idealen Aquariumbewohnern machen.Zuzutrauen wre ihnen selbstverstndlich auch, da sie ihren groen Auftritt auf einen Zeitpunkt verlegen wollten, der ihnen hierfr endlich einen angemessenen Rahmen bieten konnte.Opfer dieser ausgeklgelten Strategie wurde schlielich der japanische Fotograf und Pflanzenliebhaber Takashi Amano, der mit seinen phantastischen Fotobnden und der Prsentation seines Konzeptes eines Naturaquariums nicht nur der Aquaristik welt weit neue, interessante Impulse vermittelte, sondern auch einer kleinen Swassergarnele ihr coming out.Es ist angerichtet... verschiedene Algen unter dem MikroskopWarum geniet nun unter zahllosen Arten der Gattung Caridina ausgerechnet C. japonica inzwischen geradezu einen Kultstatus ?In Pflanzenbecken mit sehr migem Fischbesatz, starker Beleuchtung und entsprechend hierauf abgestimmter CO2-Zufuhr finden nicht nur Wasserpflanzen gnstige Bedingungen vor, sondern auch verschiedene Algenarten, insbesondere Fadenalgen. Gerade bei solcheinem schnellen Becken laufen gelegentlich einmal einige Faktoren schneller aus dem Ruder, als man mit Korrekturen nachkommen kann und die Algen nutzen die Gunst der Stunde, sich nicht dankbar auf das ihnen wohlwollend eingerumte Ma zu beschrnken.Auf der Suche nach einer natrlichen Algenprophylaxe hat Takashi Amano twin zum Einsatz von Otocinclus-Arten (fr die Scheiben *g*) mit verschiedenen einheimischen Swassergarnelen experimentiert. C. japonica aus der Region Yamato soll sich dabei als die weitaus effizienteste Art erwiesen haben. Yamato-numa-ebi - charakteristischer RckenstreifenNachdem ich selbst seit einiger Zeit Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Swassergarnelen sammeln konnte, vor allem mit Neocaridina denticulata und meinem persnlichen kleinem Favoriten, der Zebra- oder Rotschwanzgarnele C. serrata, stand ich den sagenumwobenen Qualitten von C. japonica als Rasenmher fr Fadenalgen mehr als skeptisch gegenber.Kennengelernt hatte ich meine Garnelen bisher als ausgesprochene Allesfresser, bevorzugt wurde immer genau das Futterangebot, welches bei geringstem Aufwand die meiste Energie lieferte. Die Palette reicht von Tubifex ber Trockenfuttertabletten bis hin zuabgestorbenen Pflanzenteilen. Algen waren auch dabei...Irgendwann war ich vollstndig vom Garnelen-Bazillus durchdrungen, und meine C. serrata stieen mit ihrer energischen Forderung nach einem eigenen Becken nur auf schwache Gegenwehr, da ich ohnehin die Einrichtung eines Pfla nzenbeckens ohne jeglichenFischbesatz plante. Schon nach kurzer Zeit bekundeten die kleinen Racker ihr Wohlgefallen am neuen Lebensraum durch monatliche Verdoppelung des Bestandes, kamen aber der ihnen zugedachten Aufgabe als Algenkontrolleure nur mehr als nachlssig nach.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Response Essay :: Essays Papers
Response Essay When the issue of Animal Testing is brought up in the course of a conversation, almost every single person that is involved in this discussion will have opinions that differ in near way, shape, or form. Many people will talk about the horrific conditions that animals atomic number 18 forced to live under, as well as the pain and paroxysm that they must endure while being tested. However, these conditions are not all that horrible when you take into account the state of the world we live in. This issue tin eject be debated back and forth until the end of time. It is an issue involving two totally opposite views, pros versus cons. Pro-Con. The Con side will state that so many animals are needlessly used while in a test, but according to Roger Marshall, large numbers must be used in tests in raise to account for statistically reliable results (Marshall 1). The Con side will also say it is not needed, and it serves no purpose, however, animal testing is a great thing, because it can help find cures for human illnesses, it can aid in the advancements of medical procedures, and it can also find cures for illnesses of animals. For many years, performing research on animals has had valuable benefits for the human race, and without the constant developments we receive from it, we might still be plagued by the most medieval of viruses that we do not even think about in this day in age. The probability of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure would greatly increase if we did not possess the medication we can now use to control graduate(prenominal) filiation pressure. According to the American Medical Progress Education Foundation, great advancements have been made regarding cardiology, including coronary blood flow, coronary bypass techniques and high blood pressure medication (Research 2). Many medications have been produced as a result of testing on animals, including insulin, the medication used to regulate diabetes. If animals w ere not used in medical research, we might still be living in a world where we must fear diseases like polio, smallpox, and even measles. Human Benefits. Medicine totally is not the only thing that has been vastly improved due to animal testing, the way we treat diseases and surgeries has all drastically changed and improved.
Continential Congress :: essays research papers
1775May 10. Second Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia.June 14. Continental Congress creates Continental ArmyJune 17. Battle of Bunker Hill.July. Congress offers the Olive sort out Petition in attempt at reconciliation with king.American armies march on Montreal and Quebec.1776January1. Americans lose assault on Quebec.January. Thomas Paines Common understanding published.March. British evacuate BostonJuly 4. Declaration of independence adopted.The British defeated the French and their Indian allies in the French and Indian War (1754-1763). The resolve was British control over much of North America. But the war had cost England a great deal of money and Parliament decided it was clock for the Colonies to pay a share for their own defense.The American Revolution became inevitable as far back as 1643 when the young England Confederation of Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, and New Haven were formed for defense against Indians and the Dutch. In 1754 representativ es of seven northern colonies met at Albany, N.Y. to consider plans for a permanent union of all colonies for defense against the French and Indians and for opposite purposes, however, the time was not right for a union. After England won the French and Indian war in 1763, England turned its attention to ways of increasing presidential term revenues to pay the war debt. England believed that the best way to increase funds was to further tax the colonies. It imposed Navigation recreates of 1651, 1660, 1672, 1696, the Molasses Act of 1733 and the Sugar Act of 1764. It required that to the highest degree of the trade of the British colonies be carried on in British or colonial ships so that all tax collection could be controlled. The frontiersmen found that a Royal Proclamation of 1763 halted their expansion westward stopping them at a line created at the Appalachians. Open opposition to all of these acts became serious when the Stamp Act of 1765 was passed. Parliament passed it wi th no thought that any colony would object. But the slogan no taxation without representation swept over the land and unofficial delegates of golf-club colonies met in New York City in September 1765 and drew up declarations of rights and grievances. Although the hated stamp act never went into effect and was repealed in less than a year, trouble continued. In 1767, Parliament, reasserting its sovereign power, passed an act levying duties on tea, glass, paper, and a few other articles, only to arouse new opposition from the Colonies.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Various Art Critiques :: Essays Papers
Various Art CritiquesThe raspberry Man, Doug Safranak, oil moving-picture intendAs I enter the Gioconda and Joseph King Gallery at the Norton Museum of Art the first thing that Caught my attention was a painting measuring approximately at 4 ft. by 10 ft. on the side hem in in a well- light area. As I further examine the painting the first thing I notice is that it has super realism. It also has color, texture, implied space, stop time, and that it is a representational piece. The foreign man sitting on the chair next to a bed has a disturbed intuitive feeling on his expect and is deep into his own thoughts. Its as if someone he loved dearly just experienced a tragic and untimely death. He is in early depression. I could feel the pain depicted in his eyes. A book titled The Unquiet Grave lying open on the nucleotide by the un do bed suggesting something is left unresolved. The scattered photos and papers by the bedside cause redintegration. The picture of Medusas head screaming on the headboard is a silent scream filled with anger and pain, yet it cannot be heard. I feel as if I am in the one sitting in the chair and I can feel the anger, and regret.Self Portrait with Gorilla and Wolf, Joan Brown, enamel on masonite panelAs I turned away from The Doll Man I immediately was taken in by this self -portrait. Although, the lighting was not very well. It was placed between the tow entrances into the Gioconda and Joseph King Gallery. The painting measured approximately at 4 ft. by 10 ft. The painting is representational and depicts animals and human. The bright red colors and dark features in the background made it stand out. Stopped time, implied space, and texture were also important elements of this painting. As the girl is sitting on the chair with a gaze in her eyes, the gorilla standing(a) behind the chair with a look of concern and uncertainty in its eyes. It doesnt want to step up in front of the chair and show its self completely. There is something t o hide. It represents what is actually felt, the truth. Whatever it is, it is not to be revealed. The wolf standing by the girls feet has a particular look and is a loner doesnt want anyone to get too close. The wolf is there to ensure the hidden, the gorilla, doesnt show its self.
Various Art Critiques :: Essays Papers
Various Art CritiquesThe Doll Man, Doug Safranak, oil paintingAs I acquaint the Gioconda and Joseph King Gallery at the Norton Museum of Art the first thing that Caught my attention was a painting measuring approximately at 4 ft. by 10 ft. on the side wall in a well- light area. As I further examine the painting the first thing I set is that it has super realism. It also has color, texture, implied space, stopped time, and that it is a representational piece. The foreign man sitting on the chair next to a bed has a grim look on his face and is deep into his own thoughts. Its as if someone he loved dearly just experienced a tragical and untimely death. He is in early depression. I could feel the pain depicted in his eyes. A book titled The Unquiet Grave guile open on the floor by the unmade bed suggesting something is left unresolved. The scattered photos and papers by the bedside cause redintegration. The picture of Medusas subject screaming on the headboard is a silent scream filled with anger and pain, yet it cannot be heard. I feel as if I am in the one sitting in the chair and I can feel the anger, and regret.Self Portrait with Gorilla and Wolf, Joan Brown, enamel on masonite panelAs I turned away from The Doll Man I immediately was taken in by this self -portrait. Although, the lighting was not very well. It was placed surrounded by the tow entrances into the Gioconda and Joseph King Gallery. The painting measured approximately at 4 ft. by 10 ft. The painting is representational and depicts animals and human. The bright red colors and immorality features in the background made it stand out. Stopped time, implied space, and texture were also important elements of this painting. As the girl is sitting on the chair with a heed in her eyes, the gorilla standing behind the chair with a look of concern and uncertainty in its eyes. It doesnt want to step up in front of the chair and show its self completely. There is something to hide. It represents wha t is actually felt, the truth. Whatever it is, it is not to be revealed. The wolf standing by the girls feet has a particular look and is a loner doesnt want anyone to get too close. The wolf is there to ensure the hidden, the gorilla, doesnt show its self.
Monday, May 27, 2019
National Development Essay
We are here to debate on our country and its developments.The citizens of India have the basic function to think and do his best for the development of the country. In one sentence , te secret of development of india can be achieved on set up of Industries and thereby generation of Employment and value addition of Produce in effect(p)s and for this infra stature of Good Roads and transportation mode has to be good teeming . We need good governence in turn for the development of the nation.For a good Goverence , we need Good Government and a set of good Politicians form a good Government . As the post Politicians it self gives a sign of freedom to act politically / changing faces ., our politicians are have multi faces to manage currency for SELF but NOT for the nation. We need good Governors and not Politicians . they shall be treated as Public Servents but not Social servents . A good pay for a lavish life path has to be given first , so that they earn and live at the highest level of life style , as the ae the Managers / Governors / care takers for a given area. To select these so said Governors ,there shall be a scale to measure the crediantial and mere being a Citizen of the nation. even a Peon , whose work is to keep the office clean and place the work desk in order need basic educition , and why not a leader/ governor doesnt need If not education , he should have done good enough for the nation and Not on Mere records .So we have to concerntate on selection of these Leaders/ Governors.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Successful Entrepreneur
Steve Jobs is one of the most(prenominal) successful entrepreneurs and was listed as Fortune Magazines Number One most powerful businessman of 2007 let out of twenty-five other top businessmen. He is the co-founder, chairman and chief operating officer of orchard apple tree Inc. and was the chief executive officer of Pixar Animation Studios until it was acquired by the Walt Disney Company in 2006. Steve Jobs is currently the Walt Disney Companys largest shareholder and a member of its Board of Directors. He is considered a leading figure in both(prenominal) the com composeer and entertainment industries.He is also widely credited as the inventor of the mack, the iPod, the iTunes Store, and the iPhone, among other things. His history in business has contributed smashingly to the myths of the quirky, individualistic Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design fleck understanding the crucial role aesthetics play in public appeal. His work driving forward th e development of products that are both functional and attractive has earned him a devoted and popular following. Steve Jobs passion was eer technology from a young age, so he took his first muse at Atari Inc. hich was a leading manufacturer of flick games.He struck up a friendship with fellow designer Steve Wozniak. Steve and Steve developed a system with a philander whistle which do it possible to let free long distance telephone calls. Together with apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs helped popularize the personal computer in the new 70s, and in the early 80s. After losing a power struggle with the placard of directors in 1985, Steve Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NEXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the high education and business commercializes.NeXTs subsequent 1997 buyout by Apple brought Steve prickle to the company he co-founded, and he has served as its chief executive director social occasionr since his return. A true e xample of a successful entrepreneur who strived with his passion to be the best. Life story of Steve Paul Jobs - Steve Paul Jobs, was an orphan pick out by Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View, California in 24th February 1955. Jobs was not happy at school in Mountain View so the family travel to Los Altos, California, where Steven attended Homestead High School. His electronics teacher at Homestead High, Hohn McCollum.After school, Jobs attended lectures at the Hewlett-Packard electronics firm in Palo Alto, California. There he was hired as a summer employee. Another employee at Hewlett-Packard was Stephen Wozniak a recent dropout from the University of California at Berkeley. An engineering whiz with a passion for inventing electronic gadgets, Wozniak at that duration was perfecting his docile box, an illegal pocket-size telephone attachment that would allow the user to make free long-distance calls. Jobs helped Wozniak sell a number of the devices to customers.In 1972 Jobs gr adatory from high school and register at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. After dropping out of Reed later one semester, he hung somewhat campus for a year, taking classes in philosophy and immersing himself in the counterculture. Early in 1974 Jobs took a job as a video game designer at Atari, Inc. , a pioneer in electronic arcade recreation. After several months working, he saved enough money to adventure on a trip to India where he traveled in search of spiritual enlightenment in the company of Dan Kottke, a friend from Reed College.In autumn of 1974, Jobs returned to California and began attending brushs of Wozniaks homebrew Computer Club. Wozniak, like most of the clubs members, was content with the joy of electronics creation. Jobs was not beguileed in creating electronics and was nowhere near as good an engineer as Woz. He had his eye on marketability of electronic products and persuaded Wozniak to work with him toward building a personal computer. Wozniak and Jobs des igned the Apple I computer in Jobss bedroom and they built the ideal in the Jobs garage.Jobs showed the machine to a local electronics equipment retailer, who ordered twenty-five. Jobs received marketing advice from a friend, who was a retired CEO from Intel, and he helped them with marketing strategies for selling their new product. Jobs and Wozniak had great inspiration in starting a computer company that would produce and sell computers. To start this company they exchange their most valuable possessions. Jobs sold his Volkswagen micro-bus and Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard scientific calculator, which raised $1,300 to start their new company.With that capital base and credit begged from local electronics suppliers, they set up their first production line. Jobs encouraged Wozniak quit his job at Hewlett-Packard to be make sense the vice president in charge of research and development of the new enterprise. And he did quit his job to become vice president. Jobs came up with th e name of their new company Apple in shop of a happy summer he had spent as an orchard worker in Oregon. Apple Company and Steve Jobs Jobs and Wozniak put together their first computer, called the Apple I. They marketed it in 1976 at a price of $666.The Apple I was the first single-board computer with built-in video interface, and on-board ROM, which told the machine how to load other programs from an external source. Jobs was marketing the Apple I at hobbyists like members of the Homebrew Computer Club who could now make their own operations on their personal computers. Jobs and Wozniak managed to earn $774,000 from the sales of the Apple I. The following year, Jobs and Wozniak developed the general purpose Apple II. The design of the Apple II did not depart from Apple Is simplistic and compactness design.The Apple II was the Volkswagon of computers. The Apple II had built-in circuitry allowing it to interface directly to a color video monitor. Jobs encouraged independent progr ammers to invent applications for Apple II. The result was a library of some 16,000 software programs. For the Apple II computer to compete against IBM, Jobs needed go marketing skills. To increase his marketing edge he brought Regis McKenna and Nolan Bushnell into the company. McKenna was the foremost public relations man in the Silicon Valley. Nolan Bushnell was Jobss former extremelyvisor at Atari.Bushnell put Jobs in touch with Don Valentine, a venture capitalist, who told Markkula, the former marketing manager at Intel, that Apple was worth looking into. Buying into Apple with an investment bills variously estimated between $91,000 and $250,000, Markkula became chairman of the company in May 1977. The following month Michael Scott, who was director of manufacturing at Semi-Conductor Inc. , became president of Apple. Through Markkula, Apple accumulated a line of credit with the Bank of America and $600,000 in venture capital from the Rockefellers and Arthur Roch.Quickly sett ing the bill in personal computers, the Apple II had stipend of $139,000,000 within three historic period, a evolution of 700 percent. Impressed with that growth, and a trend indicating an additional worth of 35 to 40 percent, the cautious underwriting firm of Hambrecht & Quist in cooperation with seawall Streets prestigious Morgan Stanley, Inc. , took Apple public in 1980. The underwriters price of $22 per share went up to $29 the first day of trading, bringing the market value of Apple to $1. 2 billion.In 1982 Apple had sales of $583,000,000 up 74 percent from 1981. Its net earnings were $1. 6 a share, up 55 percent, and as of declination 1982, the companys stock was selling for approximately $30 a share. Over the past seven old age of Apples creation, Jobs had created a strong productive company with a growth curve like a straight line North with no serious competitors. From 1978 to 1983, its compound growth rate was over 150% a year. and so(prenominal) IBM muscled into the personal computer business. Two years after introducing its PC, IBM passed Apple in dollar sales of the machines. IBMs dominance had made its operating system an effort standard which was not compatible with Apples products.Jobs knew in order to compete with IBM, he would have to make the Apple compatible with IBM computers and needed to introduce new computers that could be marketed in the business world which IBM controlled. To help him market these new computers Jobs recruited John Sculley from Pesi Cola for a position as president at Apple. Jobs enticed Scully to Apple with a contest If you stay at Pepsi, five years from now all youll have accomplished is selling a lot more sugar water to kids.If you come to Apple you sens change the world. Jobs in 1981 introduced the Apple III, which had never fully recovered from its traumatic introduction, because Apple had to recall the first 14,000 units to remedy design flaws, and then had trouble selling the re-engineered version. Another Apple failure was the mouse-controlled Lisa, announced to stockholders in 1983. It should have been a world beater, because Lisa was the first personal computer controlled by a mouse which made it have a user-friendly interface, but had an un-friendly price of $10,000. The worst thing about Apples development of computers was they lacked coherence.Each of Apples three computers used a separate operating system. Jobs designed the Macintosh to compete with the PC and, in turn, make Apples new products a success. In an effort to revitalize the company and go along it from falling victim to corporate bureaucracy, Jobs launched a campaign to bring hold the values and entrepreneurial spirit that characterized Apple in its garage shop age. In developing the Macintosh, he tried to re-create an atmosphere in which the computer industrys highly individualistic, talented, and often eccentric software and hardware designers could flourish.The Macintosh had 128K of memory, twice that of the PC, and the memory could be expandable up to192K. The Macs 32-bit microprocessor did more things and out performed the PCs 16-bit microprocessor. The larger concern of management concerning the Macintosh was not IBM compatible. This caused an uphill fight for Apple in onerous to sell Macintosh to big corporations that where IBM territory. We have thought about this very hard and it old be easy for us to come out with an IBM range product, and put the Apple logo on it, and sell a lot of Apples.Our earning per share would go up and our stock holders would be happy, but we think that would be the wrong thing to do, says Jobs. The strengths of Macintosh design was not memory, power, or manipulative ability, but friendliness, flexibility, and adaptability to perform creative work. The Macintosh held the moments possibility that computer technology would win beyond the mindless crunching of numbers for legions of corporate bean-counters. As the print campaign claimed, the Macint osh was the computer for the rest of us. The strategy Jobs used to introduce the Macintosh in 1984 was radical.The Macintosh, with all its apparent vulnerability, was a revolutionary act infused with altruism, a technological bomb-throwing. When the machine was introduced to the public on Super Bowl Sunday it was, as Apple Chairman Steve Jobs described it, kind of like watching the gladiator going into the arena and saying, Here it is. The commercial had a young woman athlete organism chased by faceless storm-troopers who raced past hundreds of vacant eyed workers and hurled a sledgehammer into the image of a menacing voice. A transcendent blast. Then a calm, cultivated speaker assured the astonished multitudes that 1984 would not be like 1984.Macintosh had entered the arena. That week, countless newspapers and magazines ran stories with titles like What were you doing when the 1984 commercial ran? Jobs invocation of the gladiator image is not incidental here. Throughout the deve lopment of the Macintosh, he had fanned the fervor of the design team by characterizing them as brilliant, committed marhinals. He repeatedly clothed both public and private statements about the machine in revolutionary, sometimes violent imagery, first encouraging his compatriots to see themselves as outlaws, and then target the audience to approximate themselves as revolutionaries.Jobs, like all those who worked on the project, saw the Macintosh as something that would change the world. Jobs described his Macintosh developing team as souls who were well grounded in the philosophical traditions of the last 100 years and the sociological traditions of the 60s. The Macintosh team pursued their project through grueling hours and against formidable odds. A reporter who interviewed the team wrote The machines development was, in turn, traumatic, joyful, grueling, lunatic, rewarding and ultimately the major event in the lives of almost everyone involved.The image Jobs wanted the public to have of the Macintosh was young, wears blue jeans, and lives in an 80s version of the 60s counterculture. Macintosh was impatient, uncomfortable, and contemptuous of everything that was conventional or hierarchical. He/she was both creative and committed, believing strongly that his/her work ultimately matters. Even if we counted beans for a living, we secretly saw ourselves as Romantic poets. Jobs approach in developing the Macintosh was like the history of telephones.When the telegraph became popular for communication a cytosine ago, some people suggested putting a telegraph machine on everyones desk, but everyone would have had to learn Morse code. Just a few years later Alexander Graham Bell filed his first patents for the telephone, and that easy-to-use technology became the standard means of communication. Were at same juncture people just are not going to be willing to spend the time learning Morse code, or reading a 400-page manual on word processing. The current propag ation of personal computers just will not any longer. We want to make a product like the first telephone.We want to make mass market appliances. What we are trying to develop is a computer that can do all those things that you might expect, but we also offer a much higher performance which takes the form of a very easy-to-use product. As the Macintosh took off in sales and became a big hit, John Sculley felt Jobs was hurting the company, and persuaded the board to strip him of power. John Sculley tried to change the discipline of the company by controlling costs, reducing overhead, rationalizing product lines to an organization that some in the industry called dwell Runamok.Sculley came to the conclusion that we could run a lot better with Steve out of operations, he says. Jobs tended to value technological elegance over customer needs which is a expensive luxury at a time of slowing sales. And Jobss intense involvement with the Macintosh project had a demoralizing effect on Appl es other divisions. Jobs was exiled to an office in an auxiliary building that he nicknamed Siberia. Jobs says he did not get any assignments and gradually found that important company documents no longer land on his desk.He told every member of the executive staff that he wanted to be helpful in any way he could, and he made sure each had his home phone number. Few ever called back. It was very clear there was nothing for me to do, he says, I need a purpose to make me go. He soon came to believe that he would find no purpose within Apple. In July, Sculley had told security analysts in a meeting that Jobs would have no role in the operations of the company now or in the future. When Jobs heard of the message he said, Youve probably had somebody hit you in the stomach and it knocks the wind out you and you cannot breathe.The harder you try to breathe, the more you cannot breathe. And you know that the only thing you can do is just relax so you can start breathing again. The Next Step Steves Come back to Apple Jobs sold over $20 million of his Apple stock, spent days bicycling along the beach, feeling sad and lost, toured Paris, also goes on a spiritual trip to India with his friend. The Mr. Nobody, Steve, started again once he was out of his super rich, super successful period. After three years, he founded a new company, Next. He launched Next Cube.It was an extremely powerful and much expensive machine at that time and probably, an offering to an immature market. It failed miserably. Then Steve and his company, Next, moved to the making of softwares and operating systems. His money and property were not with him, but his creative mind was. He showed an interest in George Lucas company, the Pixar Animations. George Lucas is considered the father of modern special effects in the films. Lucas was not interested in Pixar, so Steve took charge of the company in 1986. He entered into a contract with Disney in 1990.Pixar made the animations and Disney did the marketing and distribution of the animation films. Steve could read the future five years ahead. In 1995, the Toy Story proved to be the considerable success in Hollywood and Pixar never looked back. But now this Steve was not the Steve of 1080s. He gradually became Zen Buddhist. Meanwhile, he saw Bill furnish climbing the success ladder with sheer business techniques and not with orthodox ideologies. By the way, the flagship product of Microsoft, the Windows operation system, is nothing but an adaptation of the ideas of Steves Macintosh computer.Bill Gates proves to be an extremely practically businessman who along with working for Apple also copied the technologies of Apple Macintosh Oh You would ask what happened to Apple after Steves exit Imagine a body without its soul This is no exaggeration. After leaving its soul, the company instead of running, started crawling. Without Steve, the entire computer business in the world changed in the decade of 90s. Nobody could match the s teps with the changing times. Apple Corporation was about to announce bankruptcy and it was about to become insolvent.At that time, the then Apple boss, Mr. Gil Emilio took an unprecedented decision. He decided to buy a new operating system for the Mac computers. And the best and advanced operating systems were made by only one company in the vicinity, and that was Steve Jobs company, Next As per the contract between the Apple and the Next, Steve re-entered his own company after 12 years. And that too, just for a salary of $ 1 a year But this time the new Steve was different from what he used to be back in 1980s. This Steve came with a lot of learning from life.Now it was his turn to stage the boardroom drama. In 1997, in the board meeting Steve once again was elected the CEO of the Apple Corporation. The new all-powered Steve created Ometra, the contract wherein all the employees were made to agree to the term that the boss decision is final in any matter Steve had already tasted t he fruits of be the ideologist. Now he was a shrewd businessman, with a lot of practical mind setup. He knew that Apple did not have enough funds to carry out its research projects. So he played one big master stroke.He invited none other than, Mr. Bill Gates to invest in Apple Bill Gates was more than ready to invest in Apple, because the person, who copied the technologies of Steve, had to have the greatest trust in his capabilities Apple was now on track again. Steve was still purist and idealistic as far as the technological innovations and the aesthetic looks are concerned. He made the new OSX operating system, which was a huge success in the market (In OSX, we already have different versions like, Chitah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, and Tiger.Recently we have seen the successful launch of its Leopard & Snow Leopard version in 2007). Steve also launched the gauzy computers in the market for the first time in the name of iMac. Then, we got the super finely designed, iBook laptop fr om Apple. In 2001, Steve made portable digital music role player called, the iPod. Steve always considered the Windows operating System an inferior product as compared to the Macintosh products (which to a large extent is even true). He always called Windows as running(a) in Hell.But this Steve was ready to compromise with his beliefs for the success of his company. He, eventually, started making the Windows enabled Macintosh computers. The unimaginable success of iPode literally scrambled the pillars of world music industry Just two years ago, he sold out his animation studio Pixar to Disney and in return, got the life-time directorship on the Disneys board. Steve re-entered Apple by playing the thingumabob of taking a salary of $ 1 per year. But he, after getting into his company again, proved very influential and last year he was the highest-paid CEO of AmericaBut amidst such an entire scenario, the time and life struggles had taken their toll on Steves health. He was diagnose d with Pancreas cancer. He fought with his cancer also and came back victoriously. He sensed that the wandering(a)s with music player were giving tough competition to his iPod. So, he decided to enter an entirely new market segment for Apple, the mobile market. And the result is in front of us The iPhone Apples creativity has got a support in the face of a ruthless, hardcore, practical businessman. The Apple Corporation, today, is determine at more than $120 billion.Bill Gates has failed to proceed further from Windows. And Steve, with his mind power, has gifted us with some of the greatest innovations of our time. When the ever struggling and always winning Steve recently, in a function, told Bill Gates that we have more past moments to cherish than deciding on the future road map, everybody around could easily see tears in the eyes of both long time friends He gave a very emotional, touching and quite inspiring speech communication to management students on their Commencement in the Stanford University in 2005.This story of successful entrepreneur is much more exciting than watching a fantasy film, isnt it? The story is of a young man getting all the glitz and glories in his heydays, losing everything because of dirty corporate games, and again through his own intelligence, coming back to the top Achievements of Steve Jobs Year after year and event after event, Steven Paul Jobs, popularly known as Steve Jobs has won countless accolades and laurels for his work and lettering to the revolutionize the IT industry.Whether it was the formal ntroduction of Mac computers to the world in the 70s or the inception of the universal revolution called iPhone in 2007 or the most recent revelation of iPad, Steve Jobs has been iconic in the contributions he has made to computer and internet technology every reason why he has been ruling the roost as one of the most admired CEOs of the industry. The primary reason being the impeccable success of the Apple iPad tablet that launched early this year which has sold millions of units world-wide till date. The Apple iPad still continues to make waves and is no doubt, treated as a culture medium of comparison for other competing tablet PCs
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Hamlet as a Tragic Hero
As we k this instant, there are different types of tragedies Aristotle spoke about a certain type which involves what was once called Peripeteia, Hamartia and Anagnorisis. He said a catastrophe is calibreized by a tragic hero or heroine who experiences a vary or reversal in fortune (peripeteia) which is ca dropd by a personal flaw or mistake (hamartia). The downfall of the hero in a tragedy should non be, however, caused by an external force such as a higher power, whether in the form of gods, fate or even society it should be the result of an actionor pretermit of actioncarried out by the hero.Finally, the hero must achieve a kind of revelation or mention (anagnorisis) about destiny or the will of the gods, what Aristotle called a change from ignorance to awareness of a bond of love or hate. These are all characteristics that make an prototype Greek tragedy. However, our purpose is to analyze William Shakespeares small town, a Renaissance tragedy therefore, the question at hand is, could Hamlet, prince of Denmark, possibly be called and defined as a tragic hero?Our first instinct is to say no, but once we start questioning ourselves and really exploring the character and all that he goes done throughout the look, our answers may change. In Hamlet the three defining moments in Greek tragedy mentioned above, if truly present, are intertwined and closely linked together. We will set about to translate those key aspects present in Aristotles description into a completely different type of tragedy such as ?Hamlet and take heed how they would portray themselves in Shakespeares words.Afterwards, we will analyze this English writers work in terms of the imagery found in the die hard at hand. We must begin at the core of the play the apparition of the ghost. Before the ghost of the former king of Denmark, Hamlet senior, makes his appearance, all we know is that Hamlets father has passed away, that his uncle has taken the throne and has married his late br others wife. Once we hear the ghosts statement the plot of the play is set in motion Hamlet goes from ignorance to knowledgethat is, if we choose to believe that there actually is a ghost and that the ghost speaks the truth.The spirit tells the prince of Denmark that he was slay and by none other than his own brother we could take this as the princes moment of recognition, when, in a way, his whole destiny changes. He now has a new purpose in life, to avenge his fathers death. The bond of love and affection he felt for his uncle is now completely deformed and turned into pure hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge. The next step in our analysis is our tragic heros change in fortune. As we know, Hamlets plan was to get back at his uncle, and in Act III, expectation III he has the perfect opportunity when he walks in on Claudius praying, My fault is past.But O, what form of prayer Can serve my turn? Forgive me my foul murder? That cannot be, since I am still throwd Of those effec ts for which I did the murder My crown, mine own ambition and my queen. May one be pardond and retain the offence? Hamlet, however, hesitates and decides not to kill Claudius mend in prayer because he would go to heaven, thus his desire for vengeance would not be satisfied. To take him in the purging of his soul, When he is fit and seasond for passage? No. Up, sword, and know thou a more horrid hent.What Hamlet was not aware of was that Claudius was not petition for forgiveness because, as he says, the reasons for which he committed the murder, his ambition and his desire for the crown and the queen, still possess him, therefore he does not regret what he did. My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. Words without thoughts never to heaven go. From this point forward everything just goes downhill. Hamlet missed his one shot all because of his lack of action. Here is where we introduce the final piece of our analysis.Hamlets tragic flaw could be his indecisiveness on how to procee d and carry out his plans or maybe his procrastination whatever it is, he made a conscious mistake which made him completely responsible for later events, his death, Laertes, his mothers and Ophelias. The prince eventually brought about his own downfall. Hamlet, as a tragedy, certainly differs from the Greek mold, but it is safe to say that not entirely. I believe Shakespeares character could be considered as a sort of tragic hero if we choose to associate events the way we have throughout this paper. Of course, there is no way to chequer whether or ot Hamlet truly is a tragic hero such as Aristotle meant to depict them, it is all subjective. In my opinion, the idea is not too miscarry or farfetched I actually think it is a valid way of analyzing this most interesting character. Our other purpose was to analyze the imagery, and most specifically the nature imagery, found in the play. In Hamlet, Shakespeare seems to rely on nature (plants, weather, animals, etc. ) a lot to express what the characters are feeling. When it comes to analyzing specifically how he thought of the state and the people of Denmark, one word is key fumes.The weed is defined as A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one ripening where it is not wanted, as in a tend. During the time of late King Hamlets rule, Denmark was considered, as prince Hamlet calls it in Act I Scene II, an unweeded garden however, once Claudius murders his brother the king and takes the crown, his sin, greed and corruption bring decay to the kingdom. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark states Marcellus in Act I, Scene IV. The weed is the symbol of death and poison in Denmark. Claudius poisoned Hamlets father and is now poisoning everybody else with his deceit.Later on in Act III, Scene IV, while talking to his mother Hamlet says, Whiles rank corruption, mining all within, Infects unseen. Confess yourself to heaven, Repent whats past, avoid what is to come, And do not spread the compost on the weeds, To make them ranker. He is telling her to open her eyes and realize how her new king is infecting their country he then asks her not to keep helping him in doing sonot to spread the compost on the weeds anymore. We can say, without a doubt, that throughout the whole play Shakespeare refers to the state of Denmark and its people as if they were a garden.Understanding the nature imagery in Hamlet is essential to understanding the true meaning behind the play. Denmark used to be a beautiful, healthy garden until its gardener was poisoned when there was suddenly a new gardener the earth and the plants started dying and nobody did anything to fix it. The subtle way in which Shakespeare is able to use metaphor and simile over and over again in his works without it getting tedious or discouraging is probably one of the reasons why he is considered the greatest writer in the English language.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Comerica Case Study Essay
The purpose of this paper is to recommend pitch to massive the Comerica In unifiedd (CMA) stock. In this paper we explain how banks operate and present a small back ground on the issue Comerica is facing. Then we more on to monetary statements abstract of CMA, which does not present a very strong outlook of the company, but because of the financial crisis, whole industry is experiencing financial stress. Next, our valuation methods show that CMA is nethervalued relative to its peers, and thereof is a good company to invest in.BACKGROUNDSimply putting, banks accept deposits from public keep some of those deposits with them and lend the rest to businesses and individuals. Businesses and individuals in turn requital interest on those loans and banks pay interest to depositors, making money from the spread. Nowadays banks operations have become more and more complicated, and hence more all important(p) to crownwork markets. To get in to more detail, banks profits come from the fo llowing several ways Differences in the midst of Interest measures on lends and DepositsAs already explained Banks lend loans at the interest rates that ar higher(prenominal) than the ones they pay for deposits. A large part of banks profits come from the spread between banks depositing and loaning rates. Service FeesBanks provide financial services to their clients and charge certain amount of fees. By charging fees for managing customers bank accounts and providing other financial services such as publish letter of denotations, banks create another source of income, known as noninterest income. Now banks services have also expanded into investment consulting and information disseminating. These services commonly cost expensive fees. Financial ProductsBanks provide financial products to help clients manage their property and generate noninterest income. A good example can be that banks apportion mutual finances to their clients and gain income from both commissions and ce rtain percentage of the funds returns. In addition, banks sometimes also act asbrokers and generate revenues from bid-ask spread. Investment close to banks play an active role in venture capital industry. By making investments in promising small companies, banks earn the benefits like capital investors or buy-out funds do. In addition, banks can also explore profit opportunities within currency exchange market. Circulation Intermediary for CashBank can boost the delivery by reallylocating idle money to investors who need money. Banks can gather the discrete money by absorbing deposit and then lend out loans, thereby change magnitude the liquidity of cash and thriving investment activities. Create Derivative ValueBecause of banks, several times the value of original deposit is created. People except their money in banks, and banks lend the money out. New loans throughout the banking system generate new deposits elsewhere in the system. Thus new deposits are derived by the loan an d create more sources of cash for banks to lend out.Payment ChainsBanks encourage the business between companies by managing the shift of funds through corporate accounts. Banks can also represent their clients to make payments and help their clients to honor cash. Comerica Incorporated (CMA), one of the 20-largest banks operating in America, has major operations in Midwest, California, Texas and Florida. Comerica operated under lead business segments the business bank, the retail bank and the wealth and institutional management. Due to the financial crisis of 2008, banks, especially ones with high exposure in mortgage related loans, were under a lot of stress. Comerica, being one of them, is being evaluated by the Jack, as a potential investment. CHARACTERISTICS OF CMAs FINANCIAL HEALTH ancestord on the financial statements provided and the Exhibit 5, we have outlined the main characteristics which define CMAs financial health. Increase in Credit Loss ReservesCredit loss nutrition are the estimated loan losses from the currentoperating period, which means that company is not expecting to receive these loans back and hence expensing them out, by increasing the allowance for ascribe losses on balance sheet. There is a substantial increase in the companys credit loss provisions for Comerica. The percentage of credit loss provisions to PBT plus credit losses skyrocketed, from 3.6 percent in 2006 to 66 percent in Jun 2008, indicating the Corporations tough situation in collecting the outstanding loans.Increase in Non-Performing AssetsReserve coverage ratio, despite the increase in loss reserves, is decreasing dramatically, from 213% in 2006 to 87% in June 2008, indicating an ample increase in non-performing assets (NPA). The main reason on increase in NPAs the fact that high percentage (32.9%) of companys perfect loans is Real body politic loans. This is the reason that companys interest income has ebbd despite the increase in loans made in 2008. Efficiency ratio is basically an operating cost margin measure, the lower the better. The above 60 percent efficiency ratio, 50 percent generally regarded as optimal, is an indicator of companys deteriorating performance. Use of enormous Term and Short Term Debt to Finance LoansBalance sheet show that Comericas total deposits are maintaining a level since 2005, however companys net loans have increased by almost $10 Billion. Balance sheet clearly shows that these loans are finance from the increase in short-term and long term debt, which cast doubts on the profitability of company going forward. Unsustainability of the Dividend Pay-out RatioExhibit 5 shows an increasing trend in the dividends, which Comerica has tried to maintain despite the low earnings. In the June 2008 quarter, company paid $99 Million as dividends against the net income of $56 Million during the same quarter. These levels of dividends are not sustainable in the current recessionary environment, and when the company does cut dividends, it provide send a bad signal to the market.Downward Revision in the Federal Funds RateWe noticed that spread, which equals to net interest expense as a % of earning assets minus net interest expense as a percentage of interest explosive charge liabilities, is decreasing. One of the reason of this phenomenon is that interest bearing deposits are increasing which is bad for the company. Moreover, there has been a downward revision of 3.25 percent in the federal funds rate from its original level of 5.25% in July 2007, to 2.0% in 2008 limiting the banks ability to charge higher spreads. Moreover, commercial loans are predominantly floating rate, so simplification in the Federal Funds rate will affect companys interest income. We do think that decrease in the Feds rate will increase the demand for loans but given the credit crunch, it seems unreasonable in the short run. Decrease in Interest Income Percentage MeasuresThe shrinking of interest income can be obviousl y seen from the Corporations net interest income as a percentage of earning assets, from 6.82% in 2007 to 4.86% by the end June 2008. This decrease is cod to both factors of the ratio, one interest income is decreasing, secondly earning assets for Comerica Inc., which is loans, investment securities available-for-sale and short-term investments are increasing. Moreover, net interest margin, which is figure as a difference between net interest income and net interest expenses divided by earning assets, show a downward trend. VALUATIONTo value Comerica, we have used both methods Jack is planning to use. We will first do the sensitiveness analysis (Exhibit 7 in the case) to remember the execute of tangible book value, earnings and dividends. Using that sensitivity analysis table, we will find the range of firms value employing comparable and dividend discount models. Sensitivity AnalysisIn the Exhibit 7 at the end of the case, we have already been given the existing quarterly earn ings estimates and tangible book value at the end of 2009. Those estimates are based on charge- take ratio of 0.85%. We have completed the sensitivity analysis based on the following assumptionsPercentage of charge off is annual, and dollar value of the charge off will be distributed over each quarter equally. Companys charge-off ratio taken in 2008 will continue to be the same in 2009. We think this is areasonable assumption because of current low reserves for credit losses to NPA ratio of Comerica, as compared to its peers. Company will maintain a certain level of allowance of loan losses. Therefore any increase in percentage of charge off will translate to decrease in tangible book value of the company through the income statement.Dividends are taken to be 48% of earnings in case of positive net income and zero(a) in case of negative net income. Company is trying hard to keep the level of dividends constants, to avoid sending bad signals. But company will not be able to sustain this level of dividends, so it will revert to the historical average of 48% dividend payout ratio (Exhibit 1). Using these assumptions, we get the range of tangible book value, at the end of 2009, of $5,247 Million in case of 0.85% charge off to $4,647 Million in case of 2% charge-off. Detailed calculations are provided in the Exhibit 2. Comparable MethodWe have chosen two multiples to value Comerica i.e impairment to tangible book value and price to earnings ratio. Since, due to the current financial crisis, earnings of the companies are very volatile, we think price to tangible book value is a better multiple. Therefore, we will use price to earnings ratio just as a check multiple. Now that we have decided which multiples to use, we need to assign weights to the comparable companies to find out the weight average multiples. To assign weights, we considered the following factors in terms of similarity between Comerica and comparable companies.Geological location of the operatio nsPercentage of loans from different business segmentsFinancials Including total revenue break up, return on equity and assets, reserves for loan losses to total loan and total NPAs etc. Based on these weights designate we calculated the comparable weighted average of the price to tangible book value ratio and price to earnings ratio. Following table summarizes values calculated by both the methods and their sensitivity to the charge-off percentage. Detailed calculations are given in Exhibit 2 and 3.As we mentioned before, earnings are very volatile amend now and are suppressed because of the financial crisis. So we think price to tangiblebook value is a better measure of companys intrinsic value. Therefore we think, company is undervalued right now and hence Jack should propose to long its stock. Dividend Discount Model (DDM)We have also used DDM to find the intrinsic value of the company. We think that company will not be able to sustain its dividends of $0.66 per share per qu arter in the short run. However, by stratum 2010 company will have enough earnings to come back to its previous level. Keeping in mind the fact that company has been growing its dividend payout ratio, and earning are also expected to increase in the long run we have assumed that companys dividends will grow at the rate of 2% in perpetuity. Using these assumption, and cost of equity 8.8%, dividend discount model gives us the share price of $40.39 per share, which also indicates that company is undervalued right now. Detailed calculations are provided in Exhibit4. FUTURE INDUSTRY OUTLOOKThe collapse of mortgage market has taught financial industry an expensive lesson, making a lot of financial institutions unavailing to fully recover even till now. One of the major factors that cause a lot of banks failure and bankruptcy during financial crisis is the banks overconfidence in real estate market and issuing huge amount of new debt without the checking credit quality of borrowers. Afte r the financial crisis, banks have become very cautious when traffic with mortgage related loans. Requirements regarding borrowers personal incomes and documentation have been considered necessary and valuation process about mortgages has gone very conservative. Facing the illiquidity during the financial crisis, banks are ask to improve their capital bases to improve their insolvency. One regulation from Base III incorporates a significant expansion in risk coverage and introduces modified ways to calculate risk-based capital. Moreover, complex hybrid capital instruments, which used to be considered as a part of banks equity, has been exclude from banks equity calculation.Base III also puts increasing focus and emphasis on banks to acquire common equity that can be quickly cashed out when facing unexpected situation. The enactment of Base III and the self-improvement happening in the banking industry or, even broader, financial industry have made bank valuation focus more on bank straditional originate-to-hold business, and associated banks securitization activities with higher risk. Increasing focus has also been put on a banks capital base, which has everything to do with a banks solvency and liquidity. Banks, whose equities have complex hybrid equity capital instruments, tend to be less liquid and have higher business risk. Funding source is another factor considered. Banks with less retail funding on their balance sheets are more vulnerable when unexpected situations happen. Loan quality, which had been largely neglected when everyone had big overconfidence to housing market before the burst of the financial crisis, has been brought back to the valuation table and greatly reemphasized. These improvements in the regulative requirements have restored the confidence of investors in the banking industry to some extent. Thats why we see the financial industry raising to the level where it was before the financial crisis. certaintyFinancial statements analysi s of CMA does not present a very pretty picture, but because of the financial crisis, whole industry is under stress and experiencing the same adulteration in the quality of earnings. However, our valuation methods show that CMA is undervalued relative to its peer companies and hence is a good investment to hold right now.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Nietzscheââ¬â¢s Attitude to Religion Essay
I carefully read Ms S Ramola Naidus Ph. D. dissertation entitled Culture, History, Politics The Representation of Women in the American War Novels of Ernest Hemingway, e. e. cummings, Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. submitted at Osmania University, Hyderabad. Divided into four chapters, the dissertation is neatly chalked out with a very informative introduction and a befit conclusion. All the four novels undertaken for the study dwell upon the image of the American women against the background of the World Wars.Chapter I, Fragmentation of Society The Enormous Room, shows that women are not the weaker sex exactly are the pillars that support family and society. Chapter II entitled Triumph of Love A Farewell to Arms deals with the evil effects of the First World War on society in general and on women in particular. Chapter III, Parental Indifference Mother Night, focuses on the catastrophe of the Second World War disapproving the ultra-modern American woman who sacrifices the basic demands of her family (page 9, Abstract).The last chapter, Bureaucratic Callousness Catch 22 depicts the chaotic military organizations and the ugliness and brutality of human exploitation. Ms Naidus bailiwick has a great relevance to the present political context in the entire world standing on the threshold of another atomic war. It has dumbfound our responsibility to avoid war upto the possible limit for the peace, prosperity, and happiness of human beings.Through her study Ms Naidu tries to evince that the holocaust of World Wars has engendered a plentifulness of human miseries problems, the loss of human dignity and ntegrity, eventually reducing man to the status of a tragic figure. She is also sure that women problems cannot be solved through with(predicate) any slogan or being a liberate women or feminist. A woman can achieve her dignity cherishing a firm religion in the sanctity of true love, basic emotions and feelings, sacrifice and moral and social values. Ms Naidu is quite successful in delineating the writers vision about a buttony future that is not far fetched provided every individual develops a positive attitude towards life.It is good piece of research embodying clarity, critical acumen, and hard industry of the outlook. The dissertation is characterized by a refined and chiselled language, though a few syntactical, grammatical, and punctuation errors are also visible here and there. It is a purely thematic study. The candidate has adopted an analytical method and the representation of women in the American novels of the mentioned writers has been highlighted through the analysis of plots, characters, dialogues, and settings.She is capable enough to display her critical insight, logical coherence, and the skill of the assimilation of material in the corpus of the thesis. It is well-written and fulfils all the requirements of a good dissertation. In view of the above, I am pleased to recommend that Ms Ramaola Naidu deserves the award of the layer of Doctor of Philosophy in English of Osmania University, Hyderabd.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Empowering Users of Health and Social care Services Essay
1.1.Influence of Organizational Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of Users of Health and favorable C atomic number 18 dish3 1.2. Factors that May need the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and affectionate wish closely proceeds4 1.3 How conversation between palm workplaceers and the individuals total to promoting and maximizing the rights of the users of health and social c be redevelopment5 2.1. Factors that may contribute to handout of Independence, non-participation and Social Exclusions for Vulnerable people6 2.2. Analyzing of organizational systems & processes which be managed to promote participation and liberty of users of social and health fretting serve62.3. Tension that Arise When Balancing the Rights of the individual(a) to license and Choice a imbibest the C be providers Duty to Protect7 3.1. Use of Case Study 2 from a Health or Social t rade lay to identify the extent to which the individuals argon at chance of8 3.2. legalness of Policies, Procedures and Managerial Approach within a Health and Social compassionate setting for Promoting the Management of Risk8 4.1. Review of current Legislation, Codes of Practices that put on to the handling of medicinal drug8 4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures within a Health and Social Care Setting for administering medicament9Introduction empowerment has become one of the inseparable parts of the health and social care service. Zimmerman (1984) stird Empowerment as roughly of the multidimensional process that helps people gain control over their own lives. In do to practice and implementation empowerment, health and social care service violence are required to work closely with the antithetic service users of health and social care service. Different law and knowledge of the health and service croupe help the care staffs in empoweringthe user s of the service. For that reason the researcher pass on discuss about the different standards than can nurse the rights of the users, factors that can influence these rights, impact of good communication between the care staffs and the users. In addition it allow for show a clear understanding about deviation of independence and exposure, factors that can manage different vulnerability of the service users, different tensions in the health and social care, managerial approach which are effective in health and social care service as well as different medication acts of UK which are practiced at present.1.1. Influence of Organizational Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of Users of Health and Social Care service Different service users are currently going in order to take different service provided by the personnel or care staffs of the health and social care service. For that reason the care staffs s hould provide better service for the physical and mental bewilderment of the different indefensible users.They should be really(prenominal) careful to the users peculiarly to the adults and the children aswell as to the disable people. Recently some changes take away been made on Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards which are very much useful for the users of the service. They have different influence on the users of the health and social care service for Promoting and maximizing their rights which are as follows at a lower place this amendment, Local Authorities (Las), Clinical focal pointing Groups (CCGs), The National Health Service Commissioning Board (NHS CB) and The Commissioners of health services have some rights.Now The allow be able to make some direct donation or sponsorship for the personal health budget under different policies which willing create a good impact on the users. If some(prenominal) sudden death to any child o ccurs thus it must be informed to the NHS CB and to the CCG,It is a good sign. jibe to the mental capacity act 2005, there are different scopes of developing the physical and mental condition of the users by the care personnel. This amendment will give some monetary assist to the poor and the needy people for treatment. Under this amendment NHS will practice some rights to give effective health and social care schooling for the betterment of different users. Different social and health care programs,strategy and act will be formed for ensuring better service to the different service users. Under this amendment there will be scope of protecting different confidential randomness of the service users. According to Welfare food amendment regulations 2005, the CCCGs, NHS CB have different rights to provide some medicines to the service users and they will provide effective prescriptions to different users if needed.If any patient goes UK for treatment of different viral diseases fro m a nonher country then no extra payment will be taken from him This amendment will ensure the rights of the children and the adults. Under this amendment, better service will be ensured to the users and their rights will be protected successfully. Theseamendments,Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards will be very useful mode for Promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. These are very user friendly amendments, policies and procedure 1.2. Factors that May Affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service New amendment has been made to the policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards,The Law Commission (2014) claimed that, different factors can affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service which are as follows The National Health Service (Charges to overseas visitors) r egulations 2011 According to this regulation, if any individual goes UK for treatment of any viral diseases he or she will not need to pay extra money.It can motivate the overseas patients to do treatment in UK. The residential family centers regulations 2002 Under this regulation if any children die in a residential area then certainly NHS CB and CCG will be informed about it. It will also protect the rights of the children and ensure better health. The care quality commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Under this regulation it is obligatory to ensure the better care to the service user and it is necessary to inform about the death of a user to the quality commission. Crime and disorder regulations (2007) It will give protection to the different service users if any danger or vulnerability occurs to them. The student rear Regulations 2011 This regulation will provide some monetary help and mental support to the students so that they can easily continue their study. Healthy st art schemes and welfare foods amendment regulations 2005 Thisregulation will ensure better health to the service users. It will also provide vitamin supplements along with different medicines free of cost. The national health care service (direct payments) regulations 2010 Under this regulation it will be possible to donate or sponsor financial help to the service users which will promote and maximise the rights of the users of health and social care service.Protection of the confidential nurture act (2006) It will protect the private entropy of the service users. These factors will provide a deep impact on the achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. 1.3 How communication between care workers and the individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of the users of health and social care service Rosenbaum and Rotor(2013), explained different types of communication between care workers and the individuals are requ ired to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service which are as follows Two way dialogue The care staffs should communicate with the users to know different information, health condition and mental capacity of the users. It can build an interpersonal communication which is necessary for getting the useful information about different rights of the users.Partnership between provider and client The care staffs should treat the users in a way so that they think the staffs as their best partner in case of treatment. Atmosphere of condole with There should be an effective atmosphere of caring in the social and health care service. This will help the users to express different information which are necessary for the protection of their different rights. Verbal communication It includes spoken or written words for expressing ideas and thoughts. It can establish a good relationship between the care staffs and the individualsIf the users express their diff erent ideas then it will be very effective for the care staffs to be sincere about the different rights of the users. Non-verbal communication Different non-verbal communication such as messaging, descriptive phrases can also be used for communicating with the service users. It will develop the understanding of the users which will be easy for the care staffs to protect different rights of the users. Demonstrations of stake Demonstration of interest can also be very effective way in case of building a sound relationship with the users.Effective demonstrations can help understand different needs, wants andhabit of the users which can contribute to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service. 2.1. Factors that may contribute to Loss of Independence, non-participation and Social Exclusions for Vulnerable people Different people face different types of vulnerabilities which have different impact on them. Different vulnerabilities can cause hurt of In dependence, non -participation and Social exclusions. These should be removed by the care staff of the health and social care service.Smith (2000) claimed some factors that may contribute to sacking of independence, non-participation and Social exclusions for vulnerable people are as follows Lack of opportunities to work There are not sufficient opportunities of work for different people in the society especially for the adult people. They may think this as a negative factor. Little working opportunities can cause loss of independence, non -participation and social exclusions. Fear There are galore(postnominal) people in the society who feel fear for a little cause in many things.They cannot cope up with the different vulnerability which can occur to them. They often wants friendly environment. Too much Fear for many things can cause non -participation and social exclusions. Lack of education and skills All persons have no same level of education and skills for doing something. Fo r that reason, they may feel them as incapable in case of any participation that accelerates social exclusions. Childhood expiration Many people are deprived of many things from their childhood. This deprivation can contribute too many exclusions and non-participation. Disrupted families The persons who are disrupted from their families can develop a strong vulnerability among them. They feel ashamed in case of participating in a social matter that can cause loss of independence to them. Inequalities in health All people are not capable of maintaining same level of health and mental conditions. These factors can promote their loss of independence and non-participation.2.2. Analyzing of organizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service Carr (2004), Stated differentorganizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care serv ice which are as follows Message for policy andpractice The care personnel can provide the useful information of health and social care service, different rights of the users, effectiveness of the treatment etc., so that people can learn more about the health and social care service which will promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service. Extent of Current knowledge The laws, rights and policies changes over time. For that reason the staffs should provide updated information regarding health and social care service to accelerate the participation in these sectors. Training Effective training programs and seminars should be arranged frequently in order to promote participation. Different training can develop the skills and mental abilities of the users which can lead to a huge participation.Organizational committal and responsiveness Organizational commitment and responsiveness regarding the assurance of better services and environment should be gaind by the care staffs. Strong commitment of good service can increase participation and engagement. Minimization of costs There should be strong commitment of minimizing of costs in case of the service of health and social care service. If the service users can get the opportunities of low cost in the organization then their participation will automatically increase. Removing Personal barriers Personal barriers can cause deficiency of participation in an organization. Different personal barriers can be removed by two way communication and increasing different support. Increasing support and network If the users can get effective support from the care staffs then there overall participation will increase. Support and care are very much needed to the isolated people to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service2.3. Tension that Arise When Balancing the Rights of the someone to independence and Choice against the Care providers Duty to Prot ect Different types of tensions may arise in case of balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the care providers duty to protect. These tensions need to be removed by health care staffs. Carr, (2010) Explained that these tensions include different rights of the users, their private information and many other things which are as follows In health and social care service, there are different types of rights and duties of the service users that should be understood by the care staffs and protect them sincerely.If they fail to protect these then different contraventions may occur.The users of the health and social care service have different realities that express their overall behavioral dispositions. If these are not understood correctly then tensions will occur. In case of disclosing any private information of the users the care staff should be very strategic so that it can do no harm to the users. If asking any types of confidential information can create any conflict then the staffs should avoid it because unauthorized person will get benefit. Rights of the adult person as well as the children should consider very sincerely. If there is any scope that the care personnel are facing problem in case of protecting the rights and duties of the children and the adult people then severe conflict and tensions will occur.3.1. Use of Case Study 2 from a Health or Social care setting to identify the extent to which the individuals are at Risk ofBy using case study 2 it is possible to identify different extent to which the individuals are at risk of. These extents are as follows As Mr. H is a patient of a hyperactivity disorder and regularly meets a psychologist. The psychologist has some responsibilities toward him. Mr. H should express different private information to him that should be protected by him otherwise any third party will get benefit. As a nurse is taking care of him, the nurse should be very careful and sincere to Mr. H. The nurse should co-operate with him successfully otherwise Mr. H will feel lonely and feel social exclusion. The care staffs should ensure the choice of Mr. H to visit to local market, cooking etc. otherwise his mental condition will not improve. As Mr. H has little bit aggressiveness to many people, the care staffs should improve this condition otherwise Mr. H will develop the sense of non- participation and social exclusions.3.2. Effectiveness of Policies, Procedures and Managerial Approach within a Health and Social care setting for Promoting the Management of Risk Mayberry and Nice wander (2006) claimed some effectiveness of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health and social care setting for promoting the management of risk which are as follows Safety If the safety can be ensured tothe health and social care service users then users will take it as a safe approach which can promote the management of risk. Timeliness It services can be ensured punctual then it will be very attractive way of managing the risk. Efficiency Success of the health and social care service mostly depends on the force and the effectiveness of the service. It can promote the management of risk and ensures efficiency. Proper adherence to different regulations Ensuring the duties and protecting the rights of the users by effectively following different regulations can be very effective way of promoting the management of risk.4.1. Review of current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medicationCare Quality Commission (2014) explained about current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication in UK which are as follows The medicines for human use (marketing) regulations 1994 According to these regulations, no one can tell on medicine until he gets liberty from UK licensing authority. The medicines (Homeopathic) regulations It ensures the effective use of the homeopathic drugs. The veterinary Drugs order 1984 A ccording to this law, selling of medicines can be occurred if a recognized physician supervises veterinary drugs. The Pharmacy regulations 2008 These regulations state that some energetic pharmacists are very useful for pharmacy business of it focuses on creating some intelligent pharmacists. The prescriptions order 1997 This regulations claim that wholesalers or retailers can sell or market medicines if they take recognition from a recognized practitioner.4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures within a Health and Social Care Setting for administering medication The effectiveness of policies and procedures within a health and social care for administering medication can be evaluated by following ways Under these policies and Procedures, no unauthorized person will be able to sell medicines until he gets authorization. It will protect drug abuse. Because of these regulations, people who feel comfort in homeopathic medicines will be encouraged to get them a nd these medicines will be available. These regulations will create some intelligent pharmacists so there will be specialization in pharmaceutical sector. These regulations will protect illegal trafficking of medicines. Under these regulations, people will learn to use prescribed medicine by recognized physicians. It will protect the use of harmful medicines and low quality drugs.ConclusionsEmpowerment in health and social care service has found a new form. Now the personnel in health and social service are very much careful about the empowerment of the users of the health and social care. This paper successfully draw about different policies and regulations used in health and social care service,different factors that can maximize the rights of the users, different vulnerabilities and management of health and social care risks. anyhow it gave a clear view about total empowerment process and critically analyzed the effectiveness of the empowerment by risk management and medication regulations of UK.ReferencesBookman, A. and Morgan, S., (1984), Women and the politics of empowerment, Philadelphia Temple University Press Care Quality Commission (2014), Legislation,, available at http//, accessed at May 28, 2014 Carr, S., (2004), Has Service User Participation Made a oddment to Social Care Services? , UK Social Care shew for Excellence Carr, S., (2010), Enabling Risk, ensuring safety Self-directed support and personal budgets, UK Social Care Institute for Excellence Mayberry, R. M and Nice wander, D. A., (2006), meliorate quality and reducing inequities a challenge in achieving best care,, available at http//, accessed at May 28, 2014 Rosenbaum, J and Rotor, D., (2013), Improving Interpersonal Communication between Health Care Providers and Clients, USA Quality Assurance Project Smith, J. P., (2000), Policy R esponses to Social Exclusion, UK Open University Press The Law Commission (2014), Regulation of Health and Social Care Professionals,, available at https//, accessed at May 28, 2014 Zimmerman (1984), Empowerment What Is It? ,, available at http//, accessed at May 28, 2014
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Country Analysis Essay
India is the one-third largest economy in the world as regards to its purchase power. If resultant mathematical functionive measures are taken it can be the third largest economy after the US and China. Although India has much potential in terms of sparing advance there are vital issues that need to be addressed for instance all overpopulation, environmental degradation, ethnic and religious strife as easy as all-embracing poverty.This paper will provide general information about the country for instance its political, economic, social and culture organization, economic and craft indicators, specific reasons wherefore its commercialize is attractive, potential and pitfalls in international management, and contemporary issues that may support-impede international management. A brief history. India is located in the southern Asia and it borders the Arabian Sea as vigorous as the Bay of Bengal. It is between Burma and Pakistan. Its early history dates back to the 19th cen tury when Britain had the political control of all the Indian land.During the first and the back up world wars the Indian soldiers played a significant role. The Indians resisted the British control over their land and this guide to their independence in 1947. Significant leaders that led in the non violent resistance include Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. (www. state. gov). The region was divided into two comprising of the secular Indian state and the Muslim state of Pakistan. The two countries went into war in 1971 and the Eastern Pakistan became a separate nation of Bangladesh. The state of Kashmir is however a cause of dispute between the two countries up to date.Political organization. India declared itself a republic in January 1950 and it set a constitution that would guide its undertakings. The constitution was keen in ensuring justice, liberty and equality. It was a the same made flexible enough to control the social as considerably(p) as economic changes shou ld they arise. In ensuring democracy prevailed it first held its general elections in 1952 and since then election are held after every(prenominal) five days. India is a Union that comprises of 28 States and heptad centrally administered Union Territories. (www. Every one above eighteen years of age and is an Indian citizen has the flop to vote according to the preps of the constitution. Fundamental Rights of every Indian citizen include the freedom of speech, expression, belief, assembly and association, migration, and choice of occupation or trade. Discrimination on intellect of race, religion, creed or sex is consequently avoided through the above provisions. India has a form of parliamentary democracy, it has a bicameral parliament and the sovereignty rests ultimately with the people.The elective officials in the parliament are responsible in making important decisions regarding the country. India has a Council of States which consists of not more than 250 mem bers. 12 members are nominated by the electric chair of India while the rest are elected. The vice president oversees the Council of States which is alike known as Rajya Sabha. An important aspect regarding the Council of States is that it is not subject to dissolution and a third of its members retire at the end of every second year. Nominated members shake off a special knowledge in areas for instance literature, science, arts as wholesome as in social services.There is also the Lok Sabha or House of the People which consists of 545 members. 530 of these are directly elected from the 25 States and 13 are from the seven Union Territories. Two of the members are nominated by the President and they act as representatives of the Anglo-Indian community. The President of India is also the Head of the State and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. (www. state. gov). He is elected by an electoral college composed of members of both the Houses of Parliament that is the Rajya Sab ha and Lok Sabha and the legislatures of the nations constituent States.The President holds office for five years term that he can be re-elected. However, the President does not on his own initiative exercise any constitutional powers. The Council of Ministers which is laissez passered by the Prime Minister is the one responsible for that. Election of the vice president is between the members of both houses and the one with majority support in the Lok Sabha becomes the prime minister. The prime minister advises the president on the ministers to appoint and as long as the minister has support from the parliament he can continue to enjoy his term in the office.The judiciary is sovereign of the executive and it has the role of safe guarding the constitution of the land. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial tribunal but each state has its own high court. The current head of state who is also the president is Mrs Pratibha Devisingh Patil and the head of brass or the prime minist er is Manmohan Singh. (www. state. gov). Economic. The gross domestic product or the purchasing power parity as at 2007 was at $2. 965 trillion while the GDP per capita was at $2,700. The composition of the GDP according to the firmaments was as follows agriculture contributed to 16.6%, industry 28. 4% and the services sector was 55%. The labor force was 516. 4 million with agriculture registering the highest percentage at 60% the service sector was second at 28% and industry contributed 12%. The unemployment rate in 2007 was 7. 2% and the population below poverty line was 25%. The inflation rate or the consumer prices in 2007 was 5. 9%. The government budget was as follows revenues were $145. 2 billion while expenditures were at $182. 4 billion. The public debt both the federal and state debt accounted to 58. 8% of GDP.Agricultural products that are produced in India include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, sugarcane, potatoes cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats, poultry and fish. Relevant industries include textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transportation equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery and software. (CIA). In terms of trade India has been fluctuating for instance from 2005 to 2008 goods and services in terms of the percentage of GDP has shifted from 20. 2, 22. 7, 21. 2 to 20. 6. Likewise the inflation in this period was 4. 2, 6. 2, 6. 4 and 5. 2.Australian trade relationship in 2007 was as follows exports to India accounted to a parentage of 5. 5% of the count share recording a growth of 5. 4. Imports from India were 0. 8% of the total share which was a 14% total growth. In total the trade accounted for 3% of the total share with a growth of 6. 5%. Major exports to Australia include non monetary gold, coal, copper, ore and wool. India imports pearls and gems, electric plants, jewels and medicaments. The services exported to India from Australia include education related as well as personal travel and they attribute to 3. 8% of the total share while the imports are 0.9% of the total share and the include electronic computer services and personal travel. Other export destinations include the US which account for 15. 4%, United Arab Emirates 9. 5% and China 6. 4%. (CIA). India can increase its GDP by increasing the production of the goods and services that it has a competitive advantage in. The population as at July 2008 according to CIA was at 1,147,995,898. The age structure was as follows 0-14 years attributed to 31. 5% of the total population with 189,238,487 males and 172,168,306 females. 15-64 years were 63. 3% of the total population of which there were 374,157,581 males and 352,868,003 were females.Those aged 65 years and over comprised of 5. 2% of the total population with 28,285,796 males and 31,277,725 females. The population growth rate is 1. 578% with a birth rate of 22. 22 births/1,000 and a death rate of 6. 4 deaths/1,000 population. The total infant fatality rate rate was 32. 31 de aths/1,000 live births with males comprising 36. 94 deaths/1,000 live births as females comprised of 27. 12 deaths/1,000. Life expectancy at birth for the total population is 69. 25 years and males register a life expectancy of 66. 87 years as that of females is 71. 9 years. The total fertility rate is 2.76 children born per woman. (CIA). Among the significant activities that have an impact in the countrys economy is agriculture which is both traditional as well as modern. The service sector and modern industries also have a significant impact on the countrys economy. A large proportion of the labor force is in the agriculture and this is groundless as the sector is prone to many fluctuations in the market. To make India attractive to extraneousers as an effort of boosting its economy the government has reduced unnecessary controls that would hinder foreign trade and investment.Allowing foreign investment on key areas like the telecommunications will be critical in promoting econom ic advancement in India. For the sensitive sectors like agriculture imposition of tariffs has the effect of reducing the number of people venturing in it. The countrys economy has registered a 7% growth within a decade and it has been able to reduce the poverty levels. In 2006 it was able to achieve an economic growth of 8. 5%. The high population can be of controlling effects to the economy in the sense that it can be exploited as potential labor that is an important factor of production.By using the enlightened labor force it has risen to become a major exporter of software services as well as software workers. Through the economic magnification the country has been able to reduce its federal deficit at a remarkable rate. However the strong growth blended with easy accessibility to ascribe as well as a booming real estate precipitated inflation that was a cause of inflation. To control the inflation the central bank use monetary policies like hiking the interest rates to slow d own the credit growth.Social and culture organization Indias culture is unique although it is very various for instance there are over 40 languages. Indians are very friendly and this is good as it can have a positive effect on the manner at which they relate with foreigners. They are also very respectful to all and employers have good relationships with their employees. India is a resourceful country especially as it is known to provide its expertise regarding the construction of cement plants to the airports as well as to the railway administrations.It has programs geared to ensuring that developing countries are provided for with feasibility and detail technical evaluation studies. The program is effective in the sense that it provides support in training personnel in areas like agriculture as well as small scale industries. India is also very committed to ensuring that it promotes unity between the developed as well as the developing countries towards the new economic order. ( www. dfat. gov. au). India has been firm in its stand of not interfering with internal affairs of other countries or nations.It however advocates for the adherence of the dignity of human beings. Regarding its position on disarmament it is highly committed to ensuring that the horrors of terrorism do not cause harm or destruction to mankind. To this effect it has joined other countries in criminalize nuclear weapons. Potential and pitfalls in international management and solutions. Major pitfalls in the countrys economy include the lack of privatization of government owned industries as that would increase efficiency and accountability.The populist pressures from the government are a major reason behind the lack of privatization of state owned industries. Major steps should also be taken so that the number of people living below the poverty line is reduced. The issue of unemployment is also an important one that should be well addressed. Encouraging people to be self employed as we ll as providing the appropriate tools will be a step forward in eradicating unemployment. Another critical issue that should be well addressed is the issue of a fit rural urban divide.There is a problem in India where by approximately 70% of the population live in the rural areas or villages and this affects the pace by which rural urban growth takes place. (Panda and Gupta, 2004). A balanced development is what will see the Indian economy thrive. To be successful in business it will be appropriate to enhance the education system in India. This will be a step forward in ensuring that there is amend skill development. It is also critical to focus on skills development, improved governance as well as forging partnership in the private as well as public sector in the provision of infrastructures.Water is very essential and its scarcity ought to be effectively addressed. The biggest challenge that India faces is the population growth which will have a stressful impact on the countries infrastructures. There is an urgent need to control the population growth as an effort of trying to reduce the adverse effects that it would bring to the economy. To promote keep up growth economic reforms ought to be put in place so that the challenges can be well addressed. Fiscal discipline will be vital. supranational business is affected negatively by the fluctuations in the markets.The government ought to focus on those sectors that the economy is worst fairing in like health as well as in education. To further address the issue of unemployment it is critical to reform the labor laws so that more job opportunities are created. (Phansalkar S. 2005). Although agriculture plays an important role in the countries economy there is need to reduce over dependence. Reorganizing it in a manner that will promote the introduction of new technologies that would reduce the over reliance on climate for instance irrigation would also be vital.In an effort to reform the financial sector it will be appropriate to denationalize some public sector banks as such a move will encourage efficiency and effectiveness. (Leung K and White S, 2004). To attract and retain Australian investors in India it has to ensure that its political system does not jeopardize with the investors activities. There have been cases where other foreign investors like US companies have preferred to stuffy down instead of fighting in courts over legal requirement issues. Enhancing the structural systems will be a necessary step if investors are to be preserved in the country.Irrational tax policies as well as other forms of trade barriers need to be addressed as they act as a disincentive to trade and investment. (timesofindia. indiatimes. com). Advancing the level at which the infrastructure is being developed by increasing the finances put aside for the homogeneous will be critical in encouraging Australian investors. Enhancing the political reforms geared towards improving stability, privatiza tion and deregulation as well as land reforms. An Australian based company can find the Indian market attractive or one with many opportunities.India is modernizing its infrastructure especially the transportation sector like the airports. This implies that there will be huge opportunities in infrastructure development like in roads, constructions, power plants, nuclear plants and air modernization. There is a considerable stable political environment that will not have adverse effects on businesses in India. (Phansalkar S. 2005). It also has a stable currency and the market is one of the biggest democratic markets with a huge middle class and this will be necessary for the company as it will provides for labor as well as potential market.The skilled labor can be tapped or exploited to provide labor for the foreign based company. There are stripped restrictions of entry to the Indian markets and the Australian based company will not face many challenges when trying to venture. Ref erences CIA. The World Fact Book. India. Retrieved on 31st may 2008 from https//www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in. html Kwok Leung and Steven White. 2004. Handbook of Asian Management. Birkhauser Publishers. Panda and Gupta. 2004. Mapping Cultural Diversity within India A Meta-analysis of Some Recent Studies.Global Business Review. 5 27-49 Phansalkar S. 2005. Opportunities And Strategies In Indian Business Preparing for a Global India. Sage Publishers. India. Recent economic indicators. Retrieved on 31st May 2008 from http//www. dfat. gov. au/geo/fs/inia. pdf Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar. 2001. What makes MNCs quit India? Retrieved on 31st May 2008 from http//timesofindia. indiatimes. com/articleshow/1602986123. cms Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs. 2007 Background Note India. Retrieved on 31st May 2008 from http//www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3454. htm
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