Friday, July 19, 2019
Steroid Use in Major League Baseball Essay -- Sports Drugs Steroids Ba
Steroid Use in Major League Baseball Steroids are unhealthy for baseball players and they are giving the game of baseball a bad reputation. Since steroids have become such a hot topic in Major League Baseball (MLB) fans have had nothing but bad things to say about the sport and its players. When sports illustrated asked some of its readers to give reaction to the steroid controversy in the MLB here is what baseball fan Howard Langsner from New York had to say 'Horrible, just horrible. We take Olympic medals away from athletes on steroids, but we're supposed to look the other way in MLB because a guy can make the ball go further? Drug testing is commonplace everywhere, and used in other sports, as the article mentioned. Baseball should be no different'. Matt Bookman of San Jose, California writes 'That's it. I'm done as a baseball fan until MLB has a comprehensive drug testing policy. I feel so naive. I really thought that the players had gotten bigger and stronger because they had learned the value of hitting the wei ght room and staying in shape during the off season. It breaks my heart that I won't be able to give my children the same experience I had growing up -- to go to the ballpark and feel good about your guys and cheer on your team.' The fans reaction speaks for itself but MLB should not sit back and let steroids take over a game that was at one time America?s pastime. In this paper research will be given on what exactly are anabolic steroids and how they can affect your body, testing policies, the effectiveness of steroids on players and major league baseball. There are many different kinds of steroids but anabolic steroids are the ones most commonly used by pro baseball player. Anabolic steroids are synthetic ... ... It takes no fool to realize that without the fans there is no professional baseball. The fans who are the ones who pay the salaries of the players who in all honesty said Canseco is why players are doing steroids, to make the game more exciting with homeruns. In this paper research was given to prove that steroids are unhealthy for baseball players and giving the game of baseball a bad reputation. MLB is losing their fan base and good name due to the use of anabolic steroids. In the end baseball with suffer the consequences if this problem is not handled quickly and efficiently Bibliography Haley, J.(eds.).(2003). Performance-enhancing drugs. San Diego, Ca: Greenhaven Press. Levine M, H.(eds).(2000). Why are Steroids so ?Big?. Austin, Tx: Greenhaven Press. Bodely, H. (2005, January 12). Baseball announces tougher steroid policy USA Today, 23, 37.
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